By Zaynah Yanez
13 Mei 2022
Dama y su ex pareha a bay viral despues cu e dama aki a publica un video na unda cu e ta splica cu su ex pareha (tata di su yiu) ta paga ful su hypotheek pe como un regalo pa su cumpleaños. E tata a bisa cu e rason cu e la haci e acto aki ta pasobra su ex pareha ta un tremendo mama y e merece tur cos bon specialmente riba su cumpleaños.
E relacion di e pareha aki a dura 7 aña y nan tin un yiu homber di 3 aña cu yama Leo. E pareha aki no a keda malo cu otro despues di nan separacion, nan a keda cu un bon amistad y ta pesey e tata a dicidi di paga ful e hypotheek pa e dama.
Esaki ta locual e tata a bisa: "Honestly guys, I'm still shaking right now. I'm just so grateful that I've been fortunate enough to be able to do this, not just for Cat, but also for my baby so that he's got a roof over his head for the rest of his life guaranteed, and I just think if you can do that then why wouldn't you. It was a no-brainer for me."